*Zoned: Rural Residential
*Vicksburg address, Schoolcraft
Township.Kalamazoo County
*Vicksburg Schools
*14 acres: includes 7.5 acre field,
nearly 5 acres of wetland/marsh and
1400+ feet on Gourdneck Creek
frontage Seller is willing to level
field,built into dirt bike track for
13 year old son to ride.
*Large amount of wildlfe
*Great deer hunting for the hunter
*3 bedroom (2 up and 1 down)
*2 1/2 bath (all main floor)
*Egress window with ladder in basement
*All brick ranch
*Family room/full season room
*Covered patio off of family
room/season room
*Large dining room
*Large (front) living room
*All floors (wood laminate and carpet)
new throughout main floor in
October 2016
*All bathrooms remodeled/updated
in October 2016
*All new appliances Octobe